Specific Board functions:
To monitor progress and performance by way of exception, reporting against:
- The Police and Crime Plan
- The Budget and Capital Programme
- The Reserves Strategy
- The Commissioning Strategy
- Strategic Communications Plan
- Partnership Strategy
- Consultation and Engagement Strategy
- Corporate Risk and Uncertainty Registers
- Estate Strategy
- ICT Strategy
- Annual Procurement Plan
To receive updates and monitor progress against the Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan and the Chief Constable’s associated Delivery Plan.
To receive agreed escalations from other joint internal Boards and/or Chief Constable’s Gold, including those on the financial position, HMICFRS recommendations and relevant projects/change programmes.
To receive outcomes arising from the planned thematic scrutiny programme conducted within the Scrutiny and Accountability Board, agreeing and suggesting actions where appropriate.
To review and agree any changes to the joint Manual of Governance.
To discuss partnership and collaborative working with the wider public sector in the interests of policing effectiveness and efficiency.
To receive updates on local or national issues or incidents that may impact on policing and communities in South Wales.
To make decisions that are not determinable elsewhere pursuant to either legislation or the Scheme of Consent and Delegation.
To operate in the public interest, considering how performance and service delivery impact on the public, including victims of crime.
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