Since the first commissioner elections we have developed a powerful ethos of co-operation which keeps our communities safe. The Commissioner and Chief Constable share the principles and values underpinning this Police & Crime Plan.
We aim to be the best at understanding and responding to the needs of all our communities. Working with communities and partners is fundamental to giving our people the response they need, when they need it. Tackling offenders – especially organised criminals and those who prey on vulnerable eople – is balanced with early intervention and prevention and a full understanding of equalities and diversity.
The financial challenge has been and continues to be enormous. Since 2010 money from UK Government through Police Grant has been cut by well over 32% (real terms), yet still, we’ve delivered almost £0.85 billion of social and economic benefit to South Wales.
We focus on innovation, early intervention and prompt positive action, working with partners for action on mental health demand and substance misuse.
Despite financial challenges, we have not withdrawn from our local communities. Neither have we stopped tackling low-level offending or missed opportunities for prevention. Neighbourhood policing is crucial in tackling anti-social behaviour and crime which is why we have continued to invest. In sharp contrast to other areas, with the support of Welsh Government, we have increased PCSO numbers and strengthened the focus of their role to engage with communities, solve problems locally and empower communities to be resilient, safe, and confident.
As part of the Home Office Police Uplift Programme, we have recruited 870 new officers since 2019 – 92% more than the targeted increase of 452. This is a huge achievement and it has allowed us to bring in new officers from different backgrounds and cultures, which will bring fresh ideas and perspectives to the force.
We are dealing with the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). We are protecting victims of domestic violence and abuse by challenging perpetrators and reducing reoffending. We are working with probation and improving the way we manage offenders. We aim to involve everyone and maintain high levels of victim satisfaction. We have strengthened Community Safety Partnerships and youth offending teams.
We play a full part in Public Services Boards and work with local government, the NHS and others on local delivery. Our aim is “more partnership through fewer, better-focused meetings” to get things done.
We have created strong foundations but we always strive to improve and to respond effectively to new demands. The South Wales Police & Crime Plan is the basis for the way we will deliver excellence in policing to the communities of South Wales.
Police & Crime Plan
Previous years plans can be found in our resources section
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