The following information explains how we are meeting the disclosure requirements relating to the procurement of goods and services, i.e. “What we spend and how we spend it”.

Contracts and Invitations to Tender

The Commissioner has a duty to publish the details of each contract where the value is over £10,000, along with a copy of each invitation to tender issued.

The Bluelight Police Database (BLPD) has a Freedom of Information facility which provides a list of current contracts for member authorities, provided the organisation maintains the database. South Wales Police utilises the BLPD to publish copies of signed contracts.

Where the force purchases under a collaborative contract or framework led by another organisation, we will refer to the lead organisation which could be another police force, Government Procurement Service or other public sector organisation. Where a call off contract is entered into and signed, copies of these will be published on BLPD.

South Wales Police has adopted a high level of e-procurement and as a result, information relating to invitation to tenders is held within the e-tender tool known as etenderwales. Where we advertise our tendering opportunities we always provide a link to the ITT documents.

For procurements under £12,500 where no contract is in place, value for money is sought, often via competitive quotations, and purchase orders are raised using the set terms and conditions.

Advertisement of tender opportunities

South Wales Police uses several methods to publicise business opportunities, depending on the nature and value of the opportunity:

Sell2Wales – an initiative from the Welsh Assembly Government helping SMEs (small & medium sized enterprises) and other suppliers work successfully with public sector clients. Once registered, suppliers may view tender opportunities, promote their company, contact registered public sector organisations and seek advice.

Home | Find a Tender ( – this service is used for all tendering opportunities exceeding the current threshold (formerly known as OJEU).

Contracts Finder – provides up-to-date information on public sector tenders and contracts in the UK.

Further information can be found in the, “How to do Business with South Wales Police” guide which is shown below.

Invitations to Tender

Where applicable, following award, copies of invitation to tender documents for contracts expected exceed £12,500 are available through the Blue Light Procurement Database.

The Joint Commercial and Procurement Service of South Wales Police are responsible for managing all tender and contract activity for both the Commissioner and Chief Constable.

Useful Documents

Explore our latest resources page for up-to-date information and valuable insights.

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Expenditure over £500


Payment Performance Statistics

How to do business with South Wales Police