It’s very important that you apply for a review to the correct organisation. South Wales Police should have written to you to tell where to submit your appeal. If you are unsure, please contact South Wales Police Professional Standards Department or our office.

If you make a valid application for a review of a complaint, we will contact South Wales Police to obtain a full record of your complaint. The Police and Crime Commissioner’s office will only retain the information and documentation provided by South Wales Police for the duration of the review.

Before you submit an application for a review, we recommend that you read the information below:

If your complaint has been recorded under Schedule 3 of the Police Reform Act 2002, you have the right to apply for a review of the outcome of the complaint. That application must be made within 28 days of being sent the written outcome of your complaint. The Police and Crime Commissioner however may extend this time period if it satisfied that it is just to do so, based on the circumstances of the case.

The review will consider whether the outcome of the handling of your complaint is reasonable and proportionate.

Only a complainant, or someone acting on their behalf, can make an application for a review in relation to a complaint. You must have had written notification of the outcome of your complaint before you make an application for a review.

The Police and Crime Commissioner for South Wales is the relevant review body for the following complaints:

  • Where the appropriate authority is South Wales Police
  • Where the complaint is not about the conduct of a senior officer
  • Where South Wales Police is able to satisfy itself, from the complaint alone, that the conduct complained of (if it were proved) would not justify the bringing of criminal or disciplinary proceedings
  • Where the complaint hasn’t been referred to the IOPC

All other applications for a Review should be dealt with by the Independent Office for Police Conduct.

Should you make an application for a Review to us incorrectly, we will ensure that your application is passed to the Independent Office for Police Conduct as soon as possible. Likewise, should you make an application to the Independent Office for Police Conduct that should be dealt with by the Police and Crime Commissioner, they will send your application to us as soon as possible.

An application must be made in writing and state the following information:

  • The details of your complaint;
  • The date on which the complaint was made;
  • Who dealt with your complaint;
  • The date on which you were provided with the details about your right to a review

However, the Police and Crime Commissioner can decide to consider a review even though it does not comply with one or more of these requirements.

If we are the correct organisation, we will acknowledge your application in writing and let you know the likely time to consider your application for a review. You should provide us with any relevant information about your complaint and to assist the review at this stage.

To consider your appeal, we will contact South Wales Police and ask them to provide any information they have about your complaint and how it was dealt with.

Once we have received all of the information, we will conduct the review and make our decision. This decision will be communicated to you in writing, along with a clear and evidence-based rationale.

It is important to understand that we cannot reinvestigate your complaint, we can only assess how your complaint was handled and its outcome. Once we have made a decision it brings your complaint to an end. There is no further right to a review or an appeal.


If it is difficult for you to use this form or this service, for example, if English is not your first language, or you have a disability, please contact us:

Telephone: 01656 869366


If you require any adjustments to support you through the complaints system, please let us know.  For example, if you have a visual impairment, you may require us to provide written responses in larger text.  We are also able to provide documents in EasyRead format.  This form is available in Welsh, and if you would like to communicate in Welsh, please let us know.

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Review Application Form