Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls: a Joint Strategy 2019 – 2024


Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls: a Joint Strategy 2019 – 2024, developed jointly by the Police & Crime Commissioner and Chief Constable with Partners.

The values and principles listed below underpin our collective desire to work in partnership towards the eradication of all forms of Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence. They have been designed to provide the foundation for policing and partnership working when seeking to develop and
implement respective policies, programmes and practices. Each value is considered to be of equal importance, and all have been endorsed by partners, including people with experience as victims and survivors:

1 Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence are fundamental violations of human rights and will not be tolerated in any community or culture.
2 Preventing violence and abuse is the responsibility of the whole community and requires a shared understanding of the issues along with the shared determination to root out the problem and its causes.
3 The safety and well-being of those affected by Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence will be the first priority of any response.
4 Victim, survivor and community voices will be at the heart of shaping the work that we do.
5 Victims and survivors will not be held responsible for the perpetrator’s behaviour.
6 Children have unique vulnerabilities in situations of violence and abuse, and all efforts will be made to protect them from both short-term and long-term harm.
7 Perpetrators of Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence will be held accountable for their behaviour and acts that constitute a criminal offence will be dealt with accordingly.
8 Collaborative working across South Wales Police will be based on and reflect the following principles: Openness, constructive challenge, clear and effective decision making.
9 We will seek to share learning and build an evidence base to inform decision making, to invest in evaluation of innovation and to seek ways to develop sustainable specialist provision for victims and survivors and their families.
10 We will work with partners to ensure that we recognise the links between other work streams and Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence.

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