‘Tell Emma’ Community Grant Scheme Launched

Your newly elected Police & Crime Commissioner, Emma Wools, is responsible for representing the voice of the public and holding South Wales Police to account. One of Emma’s first responsibilities is to issue a comprehensive Police and Crime Plan, which reflects local priorities.

To ensure the priorities within Emma’s Police & Crime Plan reflect the needs and views of local people, victims, and communities in South Wales, she is actively seeking wider feedback to test her priorities as part of developing the Plan. Emma is committed to promoting diversity, inclusion and equity across policing and criminal justice, and understanding and addressing the needs of all communities. To achieve this, she’s launched the ‘What matters to you – tell Emma‘, community grant scheme. Emma needs your help in reaching out to the people and communities you support to ensure participation is as diverse as possible and that she hears from those who are often marginalised.

What can you use the grant for? Grants of up to £500 can be used to cover costs associated with facilitating feedback sessions with local people, victims and communities. For example, costs incurred for staff time, venue hire, activities, and food/refreshments.

How can you apply? You can find our more information by contacting sophie.rees2@south-wales.police.uk.

Please note the closing date for grant applications is Monday 30th September.

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