The South Wales Criminal Justice Board (SWCJB) acts as the principal board in South Wales, providing governance and strategic direction for criminal and social justice partners, ensuring the effective delivery of outcomes to reduce crime, reoffending and creating safer communities, as well as ensuring resources are used efficiently. The board seeks to identify opportunities to align activity with other partnership arrangements across South Wales in order to provide a joint approach to efficient use of resources and effective delivery of priorities.


In line with the Criminal Justice Board for Wales (CJBfW) framework, the SWCJB work programme is focused on the following key priority areas which continue to evolve over time:

  1. People who have Offended: Understand and address the vulnerability and/or multiple complex needs of people who have offended.
  2. Victims and Witnesses: Understand and address the needs and vulnerabilities of victims and witnesses at all points within their criminal justice experience.
  3. Early Intervention and Prevention: Utilising evidence to understand the causes and drivers of offending behaviour and build onto existing prevention and early intervention approaches and influence policy to reduce crime and make positive change.
  4. Anti Racism: Apply a ‘one public service’ approach in Wales to advance race equality.


Board membership comprises of local decision makers from the following organisations:

  • South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC)
  • South Wales Police
  • Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)
  • HM Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS)
  • HM Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS), representing the Probation Service and the Prison Service
  • Youth Justice Service
  • Legal Aid Agency
  • Victim Support
  • Citizens Advice Witness Service
  • Criminal Justice Board for Wales
  • Community Justice Cymru


The SWCJB holds quarterly meetings (as a minimum). It reports directly into the CJBfW which brings together criminal justice partners including: HMPPS, HMCTS, the Youth Justice Board, Police services in Wales, Chief Constables in Wales, PCCs in Wales, CPS, Public Health Wales, Welsh Government, the Welsh Local Government Association, Voluntary Sector bodies and the Victims Commissioner.

The National CJB maintains oversight of the CJS at a national level and promotes a collaborative approach to addressing its challenges. The CJB is chaired by the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the Ministry of Justice. It meets twice a year and is attended by senior leaders from across the CJS.

The Criminal Justice Lead for the APCC is a member of the CJB so that the Board can be properly informed of emerging priorities, challenges, and trends at a local level.


Criminal Justice Board for Wales Annual Reports